The SPC Credit Union team is thrilled to introduce four new additions to its community-oriented team. SPC firmly believes that these individuals bring immense value to the organization, as well as to its members, business partners, and surrounding communities.
Read MoreWhat you need to know about the Mobile Wallet movement
Read MoreWhile we’ll always hold our Sonoco roots near and dear to our hearts, we’re excited to announce that the SPC in SPC Credit Union has a new meaning—one that we believe more precisely defines who we’ve become over the years and how we serve our members.
Without further ado, let us (re)introduce ourselves as SPC Credit Union: where you and your money are Safe. Personal. and Connected.
Read MoreThe skinny on new products, programs, & services from SPC
Read MoreNo matter what stage of life you’re in or what your financial snapshot looks like, we want our relationship with you to be more than transactional; we want it to be transformational.
Read MoreWe take financial literacy seriously around here, but we also like to have fun with it. In fact, we’ve made financial literacy into QUITE the affair—Reality Fair, that is!
Read MoreDid someone say Women’s History Month? Celebrating strong women is a HABIT around here, and it shows in the way we serve ALL of our members!
Read MoreTake a peek into SPC’s 1st Mission. Vision. Values. Week!
Read MoreIntroducing…Cares2Share! Check out our FIRST blog post to learn a bit about SPC’s internal fundraising group, which raises money for organizations in our communities like United Way, the Pee Dee Coalition, local humane societies, & more!
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