Save With Us!

With SPC Savings Accounts, you can work smarter–not harder–to make sure your rainy-day fund, emergency money, or “fun money” is there when you need it. In addition to our basic Savings Account (which all credit union members have and is also called a “Share Account”), you can open a Christmas Club or Vacation Club Account to save up for those heavy-hitting spending seasons. Visit our “For Kids,” “For Students,” & “For Businesses” pages to find out more about several specialty Savings Accounts you (or your little one!) may be eligible for!

SPC Savings Accounts

No matter what you’re saving for, we make it easy to set yourself up for success.

  • Share (Savings) Account

  • Life + Savings Account

  • Christmas Club Account

  • Vacation Club Account

Life+ Savings: How it Works

The money you deposit into your High Yield Life+ Savings Account earns dividends based on an inverted tiered approach that pays high when you start low, proving every penny counts. Take a look at the table to the left to see how this works, and find an example of the dividends you’ll earn based on the amount you’ve got saved up!