Notice Something New?

Back in 1941, a group of folks employed by Sonoco Products Company, an international packaging company that just so happens to be headquartered in Hartsville, South Carolina, saw that their cohort needed a better way to bank. They worked hard to earn an honest living, but their needs just weren’t being met by existing financial institutions in the area. Their solution: SPC Credit Union—a not-for-profit financial cooperative that would provide a way for Sonoco employees to save, borrow, and eventually purchase a home.  

For several decades, SPC Credit Union served solely employees of its namesake organization—Sonoco Products Company. Eventually, the credit union expanded its financial services to other local employee groups. The “big boom” came in 2004, when SPC opened up its doors to anyone who works, lives, or attends school in Darlington, Florence, or Marlboro Counties. (Just last year, we added Chesterfield County, too.) 

In its early days, everyone knew that the SPC in SPC Credit Union stood for Sonoco Products Company. As the years passed and the credit union—as well as the communities we serve—grew, the acronym became increasingly ambiguous and admittedly confusing. When it came to determining what SPC stood for, two schools of thought surfaced: some maintained the belief that we served only Sonoco Products Company employees, while others remained silently perplexed by the three letters preceding “Credit Union,” often assuming that if they didn’t know what these letters stood for, this must not be the place for them. 

After battling a years-long case of mistaken identity, we’ve finally come to a resolution, and we’re ready to shout it from the rooftops! While we’ll always hold our Sonoco roots near and dear to our hearts, we’re excited to announce that the SPC in SPC Credit Union has a new meaning—one that we believe more precisely defines who we’ve become over the years and how we serve our members.  

Without further ado, allow us to (re)introduce ourselves as SPC Credit Union: where you and your money are Safe. Personal. and Connected.  

Why Safe, Personal, Connected? It’s simple. At SPC, your safety is our priority. The need for your money, your information, and your identity to be safe underscores every aspect of your life. At SPC Credit Union, you can be confident that we treat each of these components of "you" with the utmost care and confidentiality. Whether you've banked with us for decades or are interested in opening your first account with us, you are welcome here and can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with the promise of safety. You can be at ease knowing that you are a valued member of our community and of the credit union and that SPC is a safe, welcoming place for you to be and bank. 

Additionally, when it comes to delivering personal banking services at SPC, you’re more than a number. We take pride in serving our community. This means personal service that goes beyond the status quo. As a local institution, we make it a point to look at each member's individual situation to connect them with the services that best fit their needs. Financial literacy education through programming and personal connection ensures the members of our community are empowered to make decisions about their finances with confidence and clarity. 

Finally, SPC is committed to building connections. We pride ourselves on our relationships, both with our members and with our community. We understand that banking doesn't restrict itself to the 9-5, so we've made it easy for you to build banking into your busy schedule. We strive to keep on the cutting edge of tech to keep you connected with your money. 

So now the cat’s out of the bag! We hope our brand refresh makes you feel right at home with us, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our locations in Hartsville, Darlington, Florence, or Bennettsville soon!